Stormsaver Blog

Stormsaver, inside out

Stormsaver is passionate about spreading awareness of water reuse. Do you want to learn more about rainwater harvesting, greywater recycling or water conservation? Our weekly educational blog can help you to understand the fundamentals of many important topics within the water, construction, and facilities management industries. Learn more below.

Summary of key updates to the British Standard for Rainwater Harvesting BS 16941 2024

The recently updated British Standard for Rainwater Harvesting has just been launched and is due to be implemented in September 2024. BS EN 16941:2024 is the latest version of the British Standard for Rainwater Harvesting. See the new changes here. 

Future Homes Hub water ready report. Your water reuse summary

The Future Homes Hub ‘water ready’ report is the latest iniative aimed at improving water efficiency within homes. Here is your water reuse summary. 

Reliance on Water Reuse to grow amid new water deficit predictions

The UK Government has recently released updated forecasts on England's future water shortage predictions. With rainwater harvesting and greywater recycling set to take a leading role in achieving greater water efficiency, find out more here. 

Automatic Backwash Filtration for Rainwater Harvesting

Are you aware that the best practice approach to commercial rainwater harvesting is to include a third stage of filtration? This third stage of filtration often comes in the form of Automatic Backwash Filtration. Learn more about this here. 

A guide to the different types of Rainwater Harvesting Systems

We understand that rainwater harvesting is just a small aspect of your overall project. However, it is crucial that the correct type of rainwater harvesting is chosen to achieve long-term water savings. Find out more here. 

The future of Smart Suds. Active Attenuation

Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems or SUDs for short is commonplace on many new developments. There has been an increased usage of smart suds in recent years. Read our guide to smart suds here. 

Why is rainwater harvesting needed

Rainwater harvesting is important for tackling water scarcity and issues with combined sewer networks. Find out more in this blog.

Fail-safe features on a Rainwater Harvesting System

Stormsaver rainwater harvesting systems have a number of fail-safe feature to ensure a constant supply of recycled rainwater to points of use. Find out more in our blog here. 

Time is up on value engineering out rainwater harvesting

Rainwater Harvesting Systems are often value engineered out of construction projects due to costs. This is a practice that needs to change due to increasing issues around water scarcity. Find out more here. 

Best practice guide to filtration on Rainwater Harvesting Systems

Rainwater harvesting systems require filtration to ensure there is a safe and sustainable water supply to points of use. Specifying a system with the most suitable filtration is important. Find out more here.

Addressing the common misconceptions of rainwater harvesting

Much outdated information exists surrounding rainwater harvesting. Learn more about some of the common misconceptions of rainwater harvesting here.

Why is widespread use of rainwater harvesting needed

Storm Babet has highlighted the need for widespread rainwater harvesting across the UK. Find out more here. 

A guide to Non-Pressurised Rainwater Harvesting Systems

Non-Pressurised Rainwater Harvesting Systems are an ideal type of water-saving system for large commercial buildings that require high flow rates. Find out more about this type of commercial rainwater harvesting system here. 

Why is the communal approach to rainwater harvesting best?

Community Rainwater Harvesting Systems are often regarded as the best approach to achieve water reuse on newly constructed housing developments. Learn why community systems are the best approach here. 

A Guide to Greywater Recycling

Greywater recycling can provide a sustainable water supply for non-potable use even during dry weather spells. Find out more about the technology in our latest blog post here. 

Everything you need to know about Combi Rainwater Harvesting

Combi Rainwater Harvesting Systems are rising in popularity due to their ease of installation. This blog is designed to give all the information you need about specifying a Stormsaver Combi Rainwater Harvesting System on your next project. Learn more here. 

Exciting updates on our business

This week's blog post shares the latest developments in our business. We hear from Lisa Farnsworth, Managing Director of Stormsaver who shares the latest news and changes. Find out more here. 

Tips for Commercial Rainwater Harvesting

Commercial Rainwater Harvesting is being increasingly used in newly constructed developments. There is a significant knowledge gap around best practices with rainwater harvesting. This blog will showcase our two decades' worth of experience in rainwater harvesting. 

A guide to Retrofit Rainwater Harvesting

There is a misconpetion that retrofitting a rainwater harvesting system in an existing building is too complex and constly. However, with the latest rainwater harvesting technologies, retrofitting is easier than ever before. In this week's blog we take a look at the importance of retrofitting existing building stock. Find out more here. 

Stormsaver launch Rainwater Harvesting Monitoring System

Until now, the investment in a Rainwater Harvesting System has been confined to plant rooms which are not publicly visible. The new Stormsaver Monitoring System is designed to be a visible educational tool designed to highlight excellent sustainability credentials. Learn more here. 

How does Rainwater Harvesting help during dry spells

Feeling the heat? So are our water supplies. Demand for water supplies during dry spells is extremely high. When rainfall occurs, the water runoff is stored in a reservoir until supplies are required. Find out more here. 

How Rainwater Harvesting works with Blue-Green Roofs

Happy Green Roof Day! Did you know that Rainwater Harvesting can be used with Blue-Green Roofs to count towards onsite attenuation capacity and provide a sustainable water supply within the building? Combining the two technologies just makes sense. Find out more here.

Why sustainable water supplies are a MUST in 2023

The construction of new homes and commercial property is occurring at a rapid rate as the population continues to grow. The problem is that most of these new developments use the same method to supply water as the Victorian times. Find out more here.

A guide to Rainwater Harvesting Tank Cleaning

Like any mechanical or electrical system, Rainwater Harvesting Systems perform best when they are maintained properly. Regular planned preventative maintenance can ensure a safe, sustainable water supply and prolong system life span.

Constructionline Gold Member CHAS Accredited UK Rainwater Harvesting Association Member Safecontractor Approved Waterwise Affiliate UK Business Awards Winner 2022